What makes a good counsellor

What makes a good counsellor

“It is well recognised that two components are important in the successful outcome of counselling: the quality of the counselling relationship, and both parties having a clear idea of the aim of the work.” Read “What makes a good counsellor” by...
What is Transactional Analysis (TA)?

What is Transactional Analysis (TA)?

What is Transactional Analysis? Watch this 2-minute mini-lecture with Dr Mark Widdowson and produced by the University of Salford to find out. Then click here to explore if it works....
Does Transactional Analysis work?

Does Transactional Analysis work?

Does Transactional Analysis work and what exactly is it? Watch this 2-minute interview with Dr Mark Widdowson about effectiveness of TA in dealing with depression and anxiety. See my post “What is Transactional Analysis” for more insight....