What would life be like if we stopped being so hard on ourselves?
I’m not enough, I don’t do enough, I don’t have enough… This painful tendency to judge, to measure and diminish ourselves, more than any other aspects of our experience is our biggest barrier to fully participating in the world. The Inner Critic – the evaluative structure within, the inner voice that keeps giving us a hard time, that criticises, doubts and pressurises us, telling us who we should or shouldn’t be.
What if we free up our way of engaging with life so it is not always under the scrutiny of this evaluating structure? What if we transform the feelings of inadequacy and deficiency into compassion, and participate more freely in our lives? What if we free some of the energy that we invest in agreeing with this voice, defending against this voice, fighting this voice, to explore how to serve the world from a place of shared humanity?
In this workshop we will explore insights and practices to recognise, name and transform the way we judge, measure and doubt ourselves. Together we will engage in personal reflections on how we have been shaped by family, society and culture. We will explore our relationship with the Inner Critic, inquire into the nature of the voice of the Inner Critic, and release internal negative self-talk.
This interactive in-person workshop is rooted in insights and practices from Transactional Analysis and Jungian analysis, as well as wisdom from other cultures and traditions; fairy tales and folk stories.
It will take place on 30th of November in Leyton, from 9:30am – 4pm. We will meet in the group of six to eight. Cost £75 for 6hrs workshop.
If you feel called to join, please contact me via my contact form or email joanna.chrzastowska@gmail.com.
My intention is to provide programmes and workshops that empower participants to live a life aligned to their Authentic Self. I welcome everyone who wishes to engage in the process of coming into deeper relationship with themselves and others. I am also thinking of those who through perusing their personal Growth want to make a contribution to the collective wellness.